QuantumOnline.com Privacy Policy
QuantumOnline.com takes website users' privacy very seriously.No advertising takes place on QuantumOnline.com's website and therefore no ad targeting takes place. Further privacy safeguards include the following:
- QuantumOnline.com uses website cookies for user authentication only. No attempt is made to track individual user actions on the website, nor to create a history of users web page visits.
- Links to third-party websites are rigorously screened and are provided for informational, training, and educational purposes only.
- QuantumOnline.com does not collect website user phone number information and therefore users will never receive a phone call from QuantumOnline.com unless it is a call back to an inquiry initiated by the website user.
- All information is of a general financial nature and is suitable for audiences of all ages.
- QuantumOnline.com is committed to securing your data and keeping it confidential. QuantumOnline.com has done all in its power to prevent data theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure by implementing the latest technologies and software, which help us safeguard all the information users voluntarily submit online.
- Website users can voluntarily submit their contact information (email address, city, state, etc.) via our Registration Form. All information collected is held in strictus confidence and is not shared with third-parties. We never have and never will sell this information to anyone. Website users completely control what information they disclose to QuantumOnline.com. If you are not comfortable disclosing personal information, then please do not use our Registration Form.