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Income Investors and Income Investing Information

The pages listed below provide a variety of information on topics that should be of interest to income investors. The topics include backgroup information on income investments and income investing. Also included are some pages on what information the QuantumOnline website provides and how to use the QOL website more effectively.

Become a QuantumOnline Supporter   - QuantumOnline.com is completely supported by user contributions. If our income investing information is valuable to you in your income investing activities, please become a QuantumOnline supporter by making a contribution to the website. Click on the "Become a QuantumOnline Supporter" heading to contribute.

Preferred Ticker Symbols and Names   - PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION. This page discusses preferred stock ticker symbols and preferred stock security names. Preferred ticker symbols in particular cause more confusion than any other aspect of income investing. Reading the preferred ticker symbol and security name discussion could save both you and us a lot of time and grief in the long run and will allow you to better cope with the strange system of income security ticker symbols and security names.

Income Investments   - This page provides summary descriptions of the various categories of securities that are available to the income investor. Reading this page and probably printing it for reference will help the QuantumOnline user better understand the wide variety of income securities that are available to investors and will provide a guide to the general characteristics of each type of security. The QuantumOnline tables and lists will then provide information on the individual securities for each security category described on this page.

Tips on Using QuantumOnline   - This page provides tips on using the QuantumOnline website that should improve your experience and eliminate some confusion when using the QuantumOnline website.

What Income Investors Should Know   - This page provides information or a variety of income investing subjects that should be of interest to both new investors and also experienced investors. The page provides a link to the SEC's discussion about what happens to preferreds and other securities during a bankruptcy. Other subjects covered on this page include what is the redemption or call date, what happens when a security matures, why do some preferreds trade on the OTCBB and Pink Sheets, and what is the ex-dividend date.

QuantumOnline Credit Ratings   - This page provides important information on the credit ratings in general and on the credit ratings provided on the QuantumOnline tables. This information should be read by the user before they consider using the credit ratings provided by QuantumOnline in their investment decisions.

Glossary of Income Investing Terms   - This glossary provides definitions of at least most of the special income investing terms that are used on the QuantumOnline website.

Explanations of Security Acronyms   - This page offers explanations for many of the acronyms used with preferred and debt securities such as TOPrS, QUIBS, QUICS, QUIDS, QUIPS, PINES, PIES, TruPS, PEPS, PIERS, Reset PERQS, etc.

Income Investing Risks   - This page, written by a QOL user, describes a variety of things that can go wrong when investing in income securities.

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